
Dark Gift from Spain to France - Louis XIV and Chocolate

Louis XIV
Chocolate began during the 1500’s. But it didn’t began to be well-known in Europe until more than a hundred years later. One of the royals of Europe that took notice chocolate was the French monarchy. From the arrival of two Spanish wives in France, chocolate began to receive the limelight from the aristocracy and the well off.

My Egg is Better Than Your Egg - The Origin Story of the Faberge Eggs

Wealth, power, prestige, and control over the largest country in the world, having all of it will surely bring some bigtime flex. Before stories of golden Lamborghini of oil-rich Sheikhs or macadamia nut-fed cows of tech tycoons, Tsar Alexander III made an exceptional splurge on a mundane Easter egg to cheer up his wife. This flex of wealth resulted in fabulous pieces that even today cost fortunes in auctions.
Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna

Hazy Start of Matryoshka Dolls

Savva Mamontov
Sochi Winter Olympics just took off in Russia. Tourist, supporters, athletes, staff, politicians, and diplomats flock the ski and beach city of Sochi. Because of the games, local businesses will profit highly from the event, especially the souvenir shops. One good souvenir that will remind of Russia would be the cute and Russian nest dolls called Matryoshka Dolls. 

Prehistoric Japan: Yayoi Culture

(Credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Japan is an archipelago in the eastern part of Asia. It is widely known as the Land of Rising Sun. The people of Japan believed that they and their islands were made by the gods, Izanagi and Izanami. In archaeological perspective, Japanese civilization began with prehistoric small cultures, such as the Jomon Culture. Later on, with immigrants from China and Southeast Asia came, the Jomon was succeeded by the Yayoi culture.

Prehistoric Japan: Jomon Culture

Japan is an archipelago in the eastern part of Asia. It is widely known as the Land of Rising Sun. The people of Japan believed that they and their islands were made by the gods, Izanagi and Izanami. In archaeological perspective, Japanese civilization began with prehistoric small cultures, such as the Jomon Culture.

Prehistoric China: Yangshao Culture

Pottery Basin of Yangshao (Credits: Cultural China)
China boast a civilization that traced back more than a millennia - a cycle of dynasties rose and fell. But before this era of Emperor a handful of cultures once inhabited China’s provinces. The Yangshao Culture belonged to these handful of cultures that shed light to the life in China during the Neolithic Age.

Prehistoric China: Longshan Culture

Longshan Pottery
(Credit: Akorra)
Before the emergence of the dynasties, several cultures flourished in the lands of modern day China. The Yangshao Culture thrived in the central plains, while in the Northeast China, the Longshan (Lung-shan) Culture developed and expanded to neighboring regions.

Paper Money: Great Invention of China -- Part 2

Paper money is a crucial part of an economy and even our everyday lives. It is use to pay our allowances and salaries. It is used to pay our needs and wants. For the whole economy, it saves consumers from the burden of carrying large amounts of heavy coins. It is also a way to stimulate the economy. However, if there is too much paper money in circulation, its value decreases and prices could also increase. This effects are not new. During the infancy of paper money, it suffered the same effects.

Paper Money: Great Invention of China -- Part 1

Paper money is a crucial part of an economy and even our everyday lives. It is use to pay our allowances and salaries. It is used to pay our needs and wants. For the whole economy, it saves consumers from the burden of carrying large amounts of heavy coins. It is also a way to stimulate the economy. However, if there is too much paper money in circulation, its value decreases and prices could also increase. This effects are not new. During the infancy of paper money, it suffered the same effects.