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Agustin de Iturbide |
Plan of Iguala or Plan de Iguala was made by the independence fighter leader
Vicente Guerrero and the Spanish royalist commander Agustin de Iturbide on
February 24, 1821. In its 24 articles, it laid out a plan for their vision of
an independent and monarchial Mexico. The plan received support from most of
the royalist as well pro-independence groups. Later on, it led to the Treaty of
Cordoba that eventually led to the formal independence of Mexico. It served as
the framework of the government that Iturbide himself led.
background of the plan began about a decade before its conception. In 1810, the
Hidalgo revolt led to a chaotic decade of struggle for Mexican independence
from the 300 years old Spanish colonial rule under the name of Viceroyalty of
New Spain. The revolt of Fr. Miguel Hidalgo, however, failed to win its goals
due to indecisiveness and ragtag undisciplined army of his. Nevertheless, Fr.
Hidalgo’s revolt inspired numerous patriots who continued the fight even after
his death in 1811. Jose Maria Morelos wreaked havoc in Southern Mexico, giving
the Viceroy and his government sleepless nights. But even with the demise of
Morelos in 1815 failed to cease any insurgency. Small guerilla fighting units,
some led by lieutenants of Morelos, continued to fight, one of the most
prominent being Vicente Guerrero who operated in Oaxaca. To counter Guerrero,
in 1820, the Viceroy of New Spain, Juan Ruiz Apodaca sent a man who contributed
to the downfall of Morelos – Agustin de Iturbide.
Agustin de Iturbide, who later conceived the Plan de Iguala, had a common creole life.
Born to a wealthy landowning family, Agustin de Iturbide belonged to the social
strata of creoles or Spanish born in the colonies. He had a strong conservative
ideology, which included strong loyalty to the Spanish crown and unwavering
piety to the Catholic Church. He served the royalist army and fought in the
side of the authorities during the Hidalgo Revolt. He earned rank and prestige
when he commanded royalist forces to victory against Jose Maria Morelos.
However, because of his creole background, some peninsulares hampered his
chance of further promotion and even spread rumors that brought his disgrace.
In 1817, the Viceroy dishonorably discharged Iturbide under the accusations of
abuse of authority and corruption. After that, Iturbide became a broken man in
Mexico City and held a grudge and deep resentment towards the colonial
government and even the status quo. But in 1820, Iturbide had a military career
comeback when Viceroy Apodaca gave him the task of subduing Vicente Guerrero’s
revolt in Oaxaca.
and Iturbide fought each other in the battlefield. Both men tried to defeat the
other and achieved a decisive victory. The military situation fell to a status
of stalemate. By this time, however, Iturbide had ulterior motives. He lied to
the Viceroy in his reports concerning his campaign and began negotiating with
Guerrero to end the dispute in a political manner in February 1821.
had many reasons for doing it. He still resented the colonial government for
his treatment for the past years. Another reason, Spain fell to the hands of
liberals. King Ferdinand VII conferred power to the liberals in Madrid who
began reform in the government and instilling liberal and secular ideas. The
Liberals in Spain attacked the Catholic Church’s power and influences to the
dismay of many conservatives both in the Peninsula and the colonies, like
Mexico. Iturbide, who keenly stick to his conservative principles of loyalty to
the King and piety to the Catholic Church, felt hurt and insulted by the
actions of the Liberal government in Madrid, which also extended to that of
Mexico City. And so, with these reasons, he started talks with Guerrero in the
Mexican town of Iguala for achieving the goal of autonomy or independence for
Plan of Iguala or Plan de Iguala became the result of Guerreo and Iturbide’s
convention. Announced on February 24, 1821, it contained the following
The Mexican nation is independent of the Spanish nation, and of every other,
even on its own Continent.
Its religion shall be the Catholic, which all its inhabitants profess.
They shall be all united, without any distinction between Americans and
4. The government shall be a constitutional monarchy.
5. A junta shall be named, consisting of individuals who enjoy the highest reputation in the different parties which have shown themselves.
6. This junta shall be under the presidency of his Excellency the Count del Venadito, the present Viceroy of Mexico.
4. The government shall be a constitutional monarchy.
5. A junta shall be named, consisting of individuals who enjoy the highest reputation in the different parties which have shown themselves.
6. This junta shall be under the presidency of his Excellency the Count del Venadito, the present Viceroy of Mexico.
It shall govern in the name of the nation, according to the laws now in force,
and its principal business will be to convoke, according to such rules as it
shall deem expedient, a congress for the formation of a constitution more
suitable to the country.
8. His Majesty Ferdinand VII shall be invited to the throne of the empire, and in case of his refusal, the Infantes [princes] Don Carlos and Don Francisco de Paula.
8. His Majesty Ferdinand VII shall be invited to the throne of the empire, and in case of his refusal, the Infantes [princes] Don Carlos and Don Francisco de Paula.
Should his Majesty Ferdinand VII and his august brothers decline the
invitation, the nation is at liberty to invite to the imperial throne any
member of reigning families whom it may select.
The formation of the constitution by the congress, and the oath of the emperor
to observe it, must precede his entry into the country.
The distinction of castes is abolished, which was made by the Spanish law, excluding
them from the rights of citizenship. All the inhabitants of the country are
citizens, and equal, and the door of advancement is open to virtue and merit.
An army shall be formed for the support of religion, independence, and union,
guaranteeing these three principles, and therefore it shall be called the army
of the three guarantees.
It shall solemnly swear to defend the fundamental bases of this plan.
It shall strictly observe the military ordinances now in force.
There shall be no other promotions than those which are due to seniority, or
which shall be necessary for the good of the service.
16. This army shall be considered as of the line.
17. The old partisans of independence who shall immediately adhere to this plan, shall be considered as individuals of this army.
18. The patriots and peasants who shall adhere to it hereafter, shall be considered as provincial militiamen.
16. This army shall be considered as of the line.
17. The old partisans of independence who shall immediately adhere to this plan, shall be considered as individuals of this army.
18. The patriots and peasants who shall adhere to it hereafter, shall be considered as provincial militiamen.
The secular and regular priests shall be continued in the state in which they
now are.
20. All the public functionaries, civil, ecclesiastical, political, and military, who adhere to the cause of independence, shall be continued in their offices, without any distinction between Americans and Europeans,
21. Those functionaries, of whatever degree and condition, who dissent from the cause of independence, shall be divested of their offices, and shall quit the territory of the empire, taking with them their families and their effects.
20. All the public functionaries, civil, ecclesiastical, political, and military, who adhere to the cause of independence, shall be continued in their offices, without any distinction between Americans and Europeans,
21. Those functionaries, of whatever degree and condition, who dissent from the cause of independence, shall be divested of their offices, and shall quit the territory of the empire, taking with them their families and their effects.
The military commandants shall regulate themselves according to the general
instructions in conformity with, this plan, which shall be transmitted to them.
23. No accused person shall be condemned capitally by the military commandants. Those accused of treason against the nation, which is the next greatest crime after that of treason to the Divine Ruler, shall be conveyed to the fortress of Barrabas, where they shall remain until the congress shall resolve on the punishment which ought to be inflicted on them.
23. No accused person shall be condemned capitally by the military commandants. Those accused of treason against the nation, which is the next greatest crime after that of treason to the Divine Ruler, shall be conveyed to the fortress of Barrabas, where they shall remain until the congress shall resolve on the punishment which ought to be inflicted on them.
It being indispensable to the country that this plan should be carried into
effect, in as much as the welfare of that country is its object, every
individual of the army shall maintain it, to the shedding (if it be necessary)
of the last drop of his blood.
the plan had been summed up with the Three Guarantees, namely: 1) The Roman
Catholic Church would remain the only religion of Mexico; 2) Mexico would be an
independent empire under a constitutional monarchy; 3) equality among all
Plan had moderate elements. It combined the wishes of the liberals as well as
the conservatives. The liberal elements included equality and citizenship to
all races, the creation of a constitution, and most importantly, Mexico would
become independent. But the Plan also had conservative elements, namely: the
retention and protection of the Catholic Church along with their properties and
privileges; the government of Mexico would be a constitutional monarchy under
an Emperor who should be a prince related to Ferdinand VII or at least a
European; and the protection of property of all individuals.
for the plan had been overwhelming. Because of its moderate approach, the plan
earned the support of many creoles and peninsulares, both conservative and
liberal. Peninsulares and conservatives welcomed the articles of the Plan that
protected the properties and individuals in Mexico regardless of race.
Liberals, creoles, and pro-independence leaders and fighters supported the plan
even though it fell short to their desire of a complete liberal and secular
Mexico. Nevertheless, they saw the declaration of independence as a start and
the pursuit of their other goals should come later. In addition, many of the
rebels felt tired and morale and enthusiasm for the struggle had been
diminishing. Harsh conditions of fighting and living underground for many years
had been difficult and tiresome and many just wanted to end the fight but still
achieving some gains, which they saw in the Plan of Iguala. Many conservatives
and peninsulares felt the same. Living in a constant danger and also sick of
government anti-insurgency campaign and brutal strategies made them tired and
think of the Viceroy’s government as usually repressive and inept. Within the
government of the Viceroy himself faced also the problem of desertion and
defection. Because of the contents of the Plan which stated that government
officials who supported the Plan would be retained, many switched sides to the
rebels. In the military, many military units joined the rebels. Many officials
in the military like Anastasio Bustamante and Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana joined
Iturbide’s new army called the Ejercito de Last Tres Garantias or the Army of
the Three Guarantees. Both men, Bustamante and de Santa Ana, became Presidents
of Mexico. The growth of Iturbide’s army and support towards the plan expanded
the territories they control. By May of 1821, they controlled over the whole of
Mexico except for Veracruz and the capital, Mexico City.
City prepared its defenses, but military officials became disillusioned by the
inability of the Viceroy to halt any defections and growth of the size of the
rebels. Because of this, they deposed Viceroy Apodaca and replace him with General
Francisco Novella. Mexico City continued to a bastion of Spanish royalist factions.
Treaty of Cordoba became the formal embodiment of the Plan de Iguala. In
August, the liberal Madrid government sent Juan O’Donaju to Mexico as the new
captain general and viceroy. In O’Donaju’s mind, the situation for maintaining
Spanish ruled had already sailed away a long time ago. And as a liberal, he
already concluded that Spain must let go Mexico. He just needed to secure the
safe withdrawal of Spanish forces in the Viceroyalty. On August 23, 1821, O’Donaju
met Iturbide in Cordoba, Mexico, there they discussed the eventual withdrawal of
Spanish troops, path towards independence, and the recognition of someone in
the Spanish side of the provisions of the Plan de Iguala. Iturbide and O’Donaju
signed the Treaty of Cordoba or the Convention of Cordoba on August 24, 1821.
It included the following articles:
This kingdom of America shall be recognised as a sovereign and independent
nation; and shall, in future, be called the Mexican Empire.
The government of the empire shall be monarchical, limited by a constitution.
3d. Ferdinand VII, catholic king of Spain, shall, in the first place, be called to the throne of the Mexican Empire, (on taking the oath prescribed in the 10th Article of the plan,) and on his refusal and denial, his brother, the most serene infante Don Carlos; on his refusal and denial, the most serene infante Don Francisco de Paula; on his refusal and denial, the most serene Don Carlos Luis, infante of Spain, formely heir of Tuscany, now of Lucca; and upon his renunciation and denial, the person whom thp cortes of the empire shall designate.
3d. Ferdinand VII, catholic king of Spain, shall, in the first place, be called to the throne of the Mexican Empire, (on taking the oath prescribed in the 10th Article of the plan,) and on his refusal and denial, his brother, the most serene infante Don Carlos; on his refusal and denial, the most serene infante Don Francisco de Paula; on his refusal and denial, the most serene Don Carlos Luis, infante of Spain, formely heir of Tuscany, now of Lucca; and upon his renunciation and denial, the person whom thp cortes of the empire shall designate.
The emperor shall fix his court in Mexico, which shall be the capital of the
5. Two commissioners shall be named by his excellency Senor O'Donnoju, and these shall proceed to the court of Spain, and place in the hands of his Majesty king Ferdinand VII, a copy of this treaty, and a memorial which shall accompany it, for the purpose of affording information to his Majesty with respect to antecedent circumstances, whilst the cortes of the empire officer him the crown with all the formalities and guarantees which a matter of so much importance requires; and they supplicate his Majesty, that on the occurrence of the case provided for in Article 3, he would be pleased to communicate it to the most serene infantes called to the crown in the same article, in the order in which they are so named; and that his Majesty would be pleased to interpose his influence and prevail on one of the members of his august family to proceed to this empire, inasmuch as the prosperity of both nations would be thereby promoted, and as the Mexicans would feel satisfaction in thus strengthening the bands of friendship, with which they may be, and wish to see themselves, united to the Spaniards.
6. Conformably to the spirit of the "Plan of Iguala," an assembly shall be immediately named, composed of men the most eminent in the empire for their virtues, their station, rank, fortune, and influence; men marked out by the general opinion, whose number may be stifficiently considerable to insure by their collective knowledge the safety of the resolutions which they may take in pursuance of the powers and authority granted them by the following articles.
7. The assembly mentioned in the preceding article shall be called the 11 Provisional Junta of Government."
8. Lieutenant-General Don Juan O'Donnoju shall be a member of the Provisional Junta of Government, in consideration of its being expedient that a person of his rank should take an active and immediate part in the government, and of the indispensable necessity of excluding some of the individuals mentioned in the above Plan of Iguala, conformably to its own spirit.
9th. The Provisional Junta of Government shall have a president elected by itself from its own body, or from without it, to be determined by the absolute plurality of votes; and if on the first scrutiny the votes be found equal, a second scrutiny shall take place, which shall embrace those two who shall have received the greatest number of votes. sdct
10. The first act of the Provisional Junta shall be the drawing up of a manifesto of its installation, and the motives of its assemblage, together with whatever explanations it may deem convenient and proper for the information of the country, with respect to the public interests, and the mode to be adopted in the election of deputies for the cortes, of which more shall be said hereafter.
11. The Provisional Junta of Government after the election of its president, shall name a regency composed of three persons selected from its own body, or from without it, in whom shall be vested the executive power, and who shall govern in the name and on behalf of the monarch till the vacant throne be filled.
5. Two commissioners shall be named by his excellency Senor O'Donnoju, and these shall proceed to the court of Spain, and place in the hands of his Majesty king Ferdinand VII, a copy of this treaty, and a memorial which shall accompany it, for the purpose of affording information to his Majesty with respect to antecedent circumstances, whilst the cortes of the empire officer him the crown with all the formalities and guarantees which a matter of so much importance requires; and they supplicate his Majesty, that on the occurrence of the case provided for in Article 3, he would be pleased to communicate it to the most serene infantes called to the crown in the same article, in the order in which they are so named; and that his Majesty would be pleased to interpose his influence and prevail on one of the members of his august family to proceed to this empire, inasmuch as the prosperity of both nations would be thereby promoted, and as the Mexicans would feel satisfaction in thus strengthening the bands of friendship, with which they may be, and wish to see themselves, united to the Spaniards.
6. Conformably to the spirit of the "Plan of Iguala," an assembly shall be immediately named, composed of men the most eminent in the empire for their virtues, their station, rank, fortune, and influence; men marked out by the general opinion, whose number may be stifficiently considerable to insure by their collective knowledge the safety of the resolutions which they may take in pursuance of the powers and authority granted them by the following articles.
7. The assembly mentioned in the preceding article shall be called the 11 Provisional Junta of Government."
8. Lieutenant-General Don Juan O'Donnoju shall be a member of the Provisional Junta of Government, in consideration of its being expedient that a person of his rank should take an active and immediate part in the government, and of the indispensable necessity of excluding some of the individuals mentioned in the above Plan of Iguala, conformably to its own spirit.
9th. The Provisional Junta of Government shall have a president elected by itself from its own body, or from without it, to be determined by the absolute plurality of votes; and if on the first scrutiny the votes be found equal, a second scrutiny shall take place, which shall embrace those two who shall have received the greatest number of votes. sdct
10. The first act of the Provisional Junta shall be the drawing up of a manifesto of its installation, and the motives of its assemblage, together with whatever explanations it may deem convenient and proper for the information of the country, with respect to the public interests, and the mode to be adopted in the election of deputies for the cortes, of which more shall be said hereafter.
11. The Provisional Junta of Government after the election of its president, shall name a regency composed of three persons selected from its own body, or from without it, in whom shall be vested the executive power, and who shall govern in the name and on behalf of the monarch till the vacant throne be filled.
The Provisional Junta as soon as it is installed, shall govern ad interim
according to the existing laws, so far as they may not be contrary to the
"Plan of Iguala," and until the cortes shall have framed the
constitution of the state.
The regency immediately on its nomination, shall proceed to the convocation of
the cortes in the manner which shall be prescribed by the Provisional Junta of
Government, conformably to the spirit of Article No. 7 in the aforesaid
14. The executive power is vested in the regency, and the legislative in the cortes; but as some time must elapse before the latter can assemble, and in order that the executive and legislative powers should not remain in the hands of one body, the junta shall be empowered to legislate; in the first place, where cases occur which are too pressing to wait till the assemblage of the cortes, and then the junta shall proceed in concert with the regency; and, in the second place, to assist the regency in its determinations in the character of an auxiliary and consultative body.
14. The executive power is vested in the regency, and the legislative in the cortes; but as some time must elapse before the latter can assemble, and in order that the executive and legislative powers should not remain in the hands of one body, the junta shall be empowered to legislate; in the first place, where cases occur which are too pressing to wait till the assemblage of the cortes, and then the junta shall proceed in concert with the regency; and, in the second place, to assist the regency in its determinations in the character of an auxiliary and consultative body.
Every individual who is domiciled amongst any community, shall, on an
alteration taking place in the system of government, or on the country passing
under the dominion of another prince, be at full liberty to remove himself,
together with his effects, to whatever country he chooses, without any person
having the right to deprive him of such liberty, unless he have contracted some
obligation with the community to which lie had belonged, by the commission of a
crime, or by any other of those modes which publicists have laid down; this
applies to the Europeans residing in New Spain, and to the Americans residing
in the Peninsula. Consequently it will be at their option to remain, adopting
either country, or to demand their passports, (which cannot be denied them,)
for permission to leave the kingdom at such time as may be appointed
before-hand, carrying with them their families and property; but paying on the
latter the regular export duties now in force, or which may hereafter be
established by the competent authority.
16. The option granted in the foregoing article shall not extend to persons in public situations, whether civil or military, known to be disaffected to Mexican independence; such persons shall necessarily quits the empire within the time which shall be allotted by the regency, taking with them their effects after having paid the duties, as stated in the preceding article.
16. The option granted in the foregoing article shall not extend to persons in public situations, whether civil or military, known to be disaffected to Mexican independence; such persons shall necessarily quits the empire within the time which shall be allotted by the regency, taking with them their effects after having paid the duties, as stated in the preceding article.
The occupation of the capital by the Peninsular troops being an obstacle to the
execution of this treaty, it is indispensable to have it removed. But as the
Commander-in-Chief of the imperial army fully participating in the sentiments
of the Mexican nation, does not wish to attain this object by force, for which,
however, he has more than ample means at his command, notwithstanding the known
valour and constancy of the Peninsular troops, who are not in a situation to
maintain themselves against the system adopted by the nation at large, Don Juan
O'Donnoju agrees to exercise his authority for the evacuation of the capital by
the said troops without loss of blood, and upon the terms of an honorable capitulation.
had been laid out. O’Donaju would lead the withdrawal of Spanish garrisons in
Mexico City. He would also be a part of the provisional junta ruling Mexico. In
addition, with O’Donaju’s cooperation to the eventual independence of Mexico,
Iturbide agreed to providing him pension and for him to stay in Mexico because
O’Donaju would be criticized heavily and even killed for being the man who let
go Mexico for Spain.
of the Treaty of Cordoba began in September, On September 14, 1821, O’Donaju
went to Mexico and ordered the troops to stand down and they began to their
withdrawal. As the highest commanding general, O’Donaju led the troops in their
exit from the once capital of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Iturbide granted
the leaving Spanish troops safe passage out of Mexico. Meanwhile, on September
27, on his 38th birthday, Agustin de Iturbide along with his Army of the Three
Guarantees marched triumphantly to Mexico City. And with the provisional junta,
with Iturbide and O’Donaju as members, formulated the declaration of
independence which was eventually declared on September 28, 1821. They then sent
agents to Spain to look for a new Mexican Emperor. Later on, with the rejection
of the offer of the throne of Mexico by Ferdinand VII and other princes, Agustin de Iturbide became the first Emperor of Mexico.
Plan de Iguala or the Plan of Iguala forged Mexico’s path to final
independence. Moderate in its composition, it secured the interest of multiple
factions who sought peace from a decade of turbulent fighting and chaos. Eventually,
with the huge support on the plan, Spanish officials in Mexico resided to the
faith of the loss of the Viceroyalty of New Mexico. With the Treaty of Cordoba,
the plan became a reality. The Plan of Iguala started Mexico’s path towards a
new chapter in her history.
Douglas. "Iturbide, Agustin de." in Concise Encyclopedia of Mexico. Edited by Michael Werner. Chicago, Illinois: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001.
William & Meyer, Michael. The Oxford History of Mexico. New York, New York:
Oxford Unviersity Press, 2010.
Gilbert & Timothy Henderson (eds.). The Mexico Reader: History, Culture,
Politics. United States: Duke University Press, 2002.
Philip. The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present. New York, New York:
Routledge, 2010.