8 Things to Know About Chinampas

The chinampas brings out captivation and the poster child for Aztec "ingenuity". Here are 8 things to know about this agricultural and engineering marvel:
1st drawing of maize to be seen in Europe

Feeding the Aztec Empire - the Chinampas

An ingenuity born out of resourcefulness of the Mesoamericans. The Chinampas sustained Mesoamericans for centuries even before the Aztecs rose to power. Its concept inspired solutions in answering today’s problems.

A Calendar of Horror? The Aztec Veintena - Part 2

They make the cruel Assyrians and Genghis Khan look like human rights activists. The Aztecs conjure up words of blood lust, human sacrifice, and heart plucking. They are brutal, but after reading the 18 Months in a year of the Aztecs based on the Florentine Codex, the level of horror just goes up. Following 18 months and the rituals involved are: 

Tlaloc, one of the major Aztec deities

A Calendar of Horror? The Aztec Veintena - Part 1

They make the cruel Assyrians and Genghis Khan look like human rights activists. The Aztecs conjure up words of blood lust, human sacrifice, and heart plucking. They are brutal, but after reading the 18 Months in a year of the Aztecs based on the Florentine Codex, the level of horror just goes up. Following 18 months and the rituals involved are: 

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