The Army that Built the New Assyrian Empire

An Assyrian shield-bearer, spearmen, and archer
(by Braun and Scheider, 1861 - 1880)
The New Assyrian Empire – the zenith of Assyrian domination of the Mesopotamian region. A result of a highly large, organized, and innovative military force. They displayed high flexibility in the battlefield. They showed ingenious tactics during siege. And lastly, exemplified great ferocity in the open battle field. The New Assyrian Empire’s military force became one of the most successful military stories in history; and, brought greatness and glory to numerous Neo-Assyrian Kings.

Ashurbanipal's Royal Library of Nineveh

The Neo Assyrian Empire was the prominent power in Mesopotamia during the early part of the 1st millennium BCE. From a fallen people, the strong and brutal rulers of Assyria revived their former glory and achieved a golden age. Although their military capabilities were well-known, the Assyrians were also intellects. Assyrian kings had the tradition of collecting clay tablets for their palace libraries. And the most well-known of this kings was King Ashurbanipal II.

Assyrian Empire: Neo-Assyria

The Assyrian Empire had experienced three period of greatness. They took control much of Mesopotamia and parts of Egypt as well as Asia Minor. The Old and Middle Assyria rose and resided. But the last of the three periods, the New Assyria or the Neo Assyrian Empire the apex and the greatest of the three periods of Assyrian ancient history.

Assyrian Empire: The Old and Middle Empire

Assyrian during 1400 BCE
The region of Mesopotamia catered numerous civilization. Among this civilization was the Assyrian. They played a long part in the geopolitics of the region. They rose thrice. They fell but resurfaced, seeing their apex during their third resurgence.

1683 Siege of Vienna - A Turning Point

The Siege of Vienna in 1683 was the last attempt of the Ottoman Empire to encroach in Europe. With a huge army, the Ottomans battled for the control of city and with time. Against them, another coalition of Catholic armies aiming to stop the Ottomans from capturing the Austrian city and advancing towards Europe. The Siege of Vienna was a turning point in European history.

Roads in History: Incas

The Inca Empire was the greatest empire that known in South America. It covered more than half of the western coast of the continent. It covered different terrains, some of which were treacherous. Nevertheless, it flourished with its networks of roads and communication. Roads had been a way to connect lands, kingdoms, and empires. It brought great benefits to civilizations that created such networks. And on that part of the world, none than if best than the Inca Empire.

Companion Cavalry: Forging Alexander's Empire

Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was the renowned Macedonian general that conquered the lands of all Greece, Egypt, Persia, and attempted to conquer India as well. His army led him to numerous victory. They never failed him in battle. In all his victories, Alexander always relied in a unit of cavalry he always accompany. They were known as the Companion Cavalry.

Samuel Slater: The Father of American Industrial Revolution

Samuel Slater
Samuel Slater was born in June 9, 1768 in Belper, Derbyshire, England. He came from a prosperous farming family. At a young age, he did not show huge enthusiasm towards becoming a farmer. Instead, he showed skills in mechanics and arithmetic at a young age.

Printing: Tang Dynasty and the Diamond Sutra

Front piece of the Diamond Sutra 
Printing is one of the greatest innovation that changed mankind's history. It allowed the mass production and spread of knowledge in a massive scale. Without it, mankind's progress would have been slower. Printing traced its origins from the old style woodblock printing, which began wide usage during the time of the Tang Dynasty in China.

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

By Francois Dubois
The 16th century became rattled by religious divide throughout Europe. The Holy Roman Empire became divided over the Protestants and the Catholics. France, the other major power other than Spain, also became embroiled in bitter religious wars between Catholics and the French Calvinist Protestant called Huguenots. In 1572, it appeared that the worst was over until suddenly, Paris and the whole of France was shocked with violence that was known as the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.

King Chulalongkorn (Part 3): Reform and Rebellions

The pace of reform and modernization in the Kingdom of Siam brought dangers to King Chulalongkorn. This was proven when the Front Palace Incident erupted. Nevertheless, the King continued his reform with the support of his brothers. Medical and educational reforms made. But Chula wanted the reform program to cover public administration as well. Once again, he relied to his brothers to enforce many of his edicts.

Roads in History: Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was the prominent superpower in Europe for more than half a millennium. It lands encompassed the coastlines of the whole Mediterranean Sea and towards north covering half of the British Isles. To connect such a massive empire resulted to the creation of one of the best known road networks in history. Roads had been a way to connect lands, kingdoms, and empires. It brought great benefits to civilizations that created such networks. And one of the first well-known civilizations to use roads in a massive scale was the Roman Empire.

Military Innovation: Gustavus Adolphus

Gustavus Adolphus in the Battle of Breitenfeld
The Thirty Years War became the result of political and religious divide in the Europe. Protestant states fought against Catholic States. The powers of Europe chose their sides and made Central Europe the battlefield. It also became the stage for the rising star; a major power in Europe – Sweden. Militarily, Sweden displayed its new strength thanks to the innovation of its King – Gustavus Adolphus.

The Legendary Winged Hussars of Poland

Winged Hussar of Poland
Poland was a kingdom with a powerful cavalry force. Its neighbors knew the strengths and the prowess of its mighty cavalry. In 1638, during the Siege of Vienna, a Polish King march to Vienna. With him was an army with cavalry that stroke fear and spectacle with a display of creativity within their uniforms. The Winged Hussars of Poland became the icon of Poland’s military might.

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