Doc Recap: Letter of President Franklin Pierce to the Emperor of Japan

United States Consul to Japan, Townsend Harris, met with the Shogun or Tycoon of Japan in December 1857 and handed over a letter from President Franklin Pierce to Emperor. Explore the contents of the letter bellow.

Doc Recap: 1851 Letter of President Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan

In 1851, Secretary of State and President Fillmore approved an expedition to be led by Commodore John Aulick. He was furnished with a letter to be given to the Japanese government. However, Aulick, due to controversy, never led the expedition to Japan. Explore bellow the 1851 letter of President Millard Fillmore to the Emperor of Japan.

From Textile to AI - Who is Joseph-Marie Jacquard?

AI, binary codes, metaverse - complex jargons that would be dumbfounded if Joseph-Marie Charles aka Joseph Jacquard rose up from his grave and discovered the result of his machine - the Jacquard Loom. 

A failed businessman and a jack of many trades, how did Joseph Jacquard build a machine considered as one of the ancestors of our modern computer?

10 Things to know about the Industrial Revolution of France

France is a major economy in Europe and in the world and much of its industries witnessed their growth during the 19th century that saw an explosion of innovation and advancements. Here are 10 things to know about the industrial revolution of France:

First King of the World: Who was Naram-Sin?

“Naram-Sin, son of Manistusu, ruled for 56 years” - an entry carved into the Sumerian King List. Naram-Sin (r. 2,255 - 2,218 BCE) ruled over the Akkadian Empire and under his rule the military threats both within and without the Empire grew. He kept his grandfather Sargon the Great’s empire intact and safe, reaching the apex of their power.

Famous image of Naram-Sin wearing a horned hat in his victory stele

Sons of Sargon the Great of Akkad

Establishing an empire is one thing, maintaining it is another. This beset the successors of Sargon the Great after their patriarch passed away, living them with history's earliest known empire. Unprecedented, Sargon's sons and grandson worked extremely hard to follow a tough act.

Akkadians battling the Sumerians (left)

World's Earliest Success Story - Who was Sargon the Great?

Sargon the Great of Akkad founded the Akkadian Empire (r. 2,334 - 2,279 BCE) defying boundaries in military tactics and administration to create a multi-lingual great power. His achievements inspired future empire-builders in the region. In modern sense, Sargon the Great is the world's first success story - from "an orphan" left adrift in a river to a forger of an empire that dominated the Mesopotamia for more than a century.
Famously called "Mask of Sargon"
but suspected to be Naram-Sin,
Sargon's grandson