Doc Recap: Lyon in the 1850s by Joel Edson Rockwell

A Vermont Presbyterian Minister, Joel Edson Rockwell visited Europe in the 1850s. Part of his tour included France, in particular Lyon. He logged his impressions of churches in Lyon, especially those of Protestants amidst a nation of Catholics. But most importantly, he also wrote about Lyon’s fledgling silk industry.

Doc Recap: Viscount Torrington's Account of Cromford

Coming from a family of illustrious soldiers, John Byng, the later 5th Viscount of Torrington, decided to add a sideline to his resume, that of a traveller and a diarist. He toured England in a time of breathtaking changes in landscape of the country courtesy of the Industrial Revolution. One of his entries described Cromford the facilities owned by the celebrated inventor and businessman Richard Arkwright.
John Byng by Ozias Humphrey, 1796

Early Railroads of France (1815 - 1848)

Every new technology developed brings mix of reactions. Hesitations and missed expectation formed as part of birthing pains. Same goes to even technology taken for granted today, for instance, France’s reaction during the early inception of railroads.

10 Things to Know About James Mayer de Rothschild

A towering figure that held no crown, nor office nor led armies, yet his handling of wealth brought him influence and contributed in changing the landscape of France in the 19th century. He inspired both admiration and a conspiracy of “space lasers.” Here are 10 things to know about James Mayer de Rothschild.

James Mayer de Rothschild: Railroad and Banking King of France

Kings and Prime Ministers sought his advice and bow to him for loans and investments. Vast lengths of railroads and landscapes transformed by rising factories came as a result of his confidence. James Mayer de Rothschild commanded great respect within the banking world of his time driving forward France’s industrialization. How did he achieve it without holding office nor leading armies?

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